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"How Can I Quickly Go into The Team"

On the afternoon of July 19, 2019, the company organized a speech contest for new employees with the theme of "how can I quickly go into the team". The protagonists of this speech contest are new employees from all departments within one year. Company leaders and department managers attended the event as judges.

A total of 9 contestants were introduced from all departments of this activity. The speech competition set up the first prize, the second prize and the third prize. The contestants closely focused on the theme, combined with the actual situation from entering the new position as the starting point, and explained how I can quickly integrate into the Hongying family. The contestants were full of spirit, with both voice and emotion, and expounded their own feelings on quickly integrating into the new environment.

"If you keep learning, gold will shine." "Everyone gathers firewood and sticks to the spirit of teamwork." "all resources in the world may be exhausted, and only one resource can live forever, that is culture. The real way to integrate into the company is to integrate into the company's culture." "Let's take dreams as our horses, live up to our youth, and write a chapter that belongs to us and the company with youth and sweat!" Every time I heard sincere and simple language, the audience applauded constantly, and the atmosphere reached a climax little by little. The atmosphere at the event was warm, and all new employees expressed their warm expectations for the future development of the company.

I hope that in the future work, new employees can quickly integrate into the team, respond to the decisions of the supervisor, improve the team's assistance and cohesion, and be united. In the future, we will hold similar speech competitions in succession to show more staff style.


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